Friday, October 18

Free sex a college students


Free sex of a student on campus – Pan mi first day a study at one a di universities dem inna Semarang, mi neva know nobody, so mi did like a lost person, confused looking roun yah an deh. While mi did a confused, suddenly a girl reprimand mi, ‘Eh, yuh know class MI1-3 Mek wi look fi it together’.

‘Mi a Gita’ him seh har name fos. ‘I’m Iwan’, mi seh mi name too, a deh so mi staat have a fren weh name Gita. Dis sweet girl have olive skin, almost flawless, bout 166 cm tall, weigh 49 kg. But weh keep mi fram get bored a look pon har is har defiant chest, big enough fi har size, but not too big Likewise wid har butt, mi like it bes wen she wear tight jeans, wid a white T-shirt. Somtaim wen him a joke, him keep a talk pornographically, even if only once inna a while.

Mi deh close to him fi three months, always a walk everyweh tugeda, even though him nuh officially mi girlfriend, him an mi always deh tugeda wehwe wi go. Til faainalli im an mi go waak tu di Dieng ieriya, wan a di kuol ieriya dem ina Senchral Java, di intenshan a did jos fi tek a waak, no stie uova nait Fi som riizn tide im aks mi fi kip aan a tel pornografik juok, fram. maanin til nait. Til finally him ask, ‘Wan, if yuh have a wife, yuh like har breasts big or medium-sized?’. Den mi ansa ‘Mm…, weh kain a one? mi tink mi like someting like fi yuh, yuh know’. ‘Yuh eva si mine?’, him ask. Mi seh, ‘How yuh waan see, yuh people neva gi yuh a chance…, heheheh’. Im ask again jokingly, ‘Weh if mi gi him a chance?’ Mi ansa, ‘Yeah… no, mi a waste it’. ‘Yuh brave?’, Gita challenged. ‘A who fraid…’, mi ansa, an neva waan lose. ‘If a so it go, pruuv it!’, Giita se. ‘Okay… mek wi look fi an inn now… how bout it?’, mi challenge in turn. ‘A who’s fraid…’, him ansa, an neva waan lose either. Honestly, mi still did tink seh dis was jus a joke, until suddenly inna front a one inn, him seh, ‘Wan, come yah… Mi tink di inn good’. ‘Deg!!’, mi aat did fiil laik it stap.

Hesitantly, mi direct mi car inna di inn’s courtyard. Mi did still silent an half inna disbelief. Den im se, ‘Yu kyari wi bag dem, mi wi chek iin… OK?’. Laik wahn babu tu im emploiya, mi fala im wod dem an fala im step dem go inna di inn. Enterin di guesthouse room, wi immediately close an lock di door, mi did still silent an sidong pan di bed til him seh, ‘OK, now mi ago gi yuh a chance fi look pan mi chest, but don’t mess roun, okie?.Suudn-suudn Gita pul ar t-shirt op tap, an siem taim fling it pan di bed. Den shi jrap kwaiyat wail shi did a luk pan mi uu did kwaiyat tu, iivn duo mi did akchuali stan op Afta a fyuu moutn shi dairek ar rait an tu ar lef shuolda, shi sliip ar bra strap dong tu ar an. Den turn yuh left han to yuh right shoulda an do di same ting. Den him right han did direct to har back, but him left han did still a hold har front bra. Oh God.., mi breath stop inna mi throat.., har bra did come off, but she did still hold in front by har left han. Gita continue fi look pon mi.

Gita bit har lower lip. Suddenly she seh, ‘Mi naa tek off dis, if yuh nuh tek off all a yuh clothes’ Mi hesitate.., but mi couldn’t control mi breathing no more.., mi tek off mi t-shirt.., mi tek aaf mi jeans…, den mi stap, ongl di andawear mi did a wier…, a mi did a chalenj, ‘mi naa go uopn dis, ef yu no tek it off now’ Gita did silent fi a moment den she slowly lower har left han an finally it did clear Har breasts dem did bright yellow an really challenging Bifuo mi coulda finish enjoy dis view, suddenly she jump at mi an push mi pan mi back. pan di bed, she quickly kiss mi lips. Mi, weh did still shock wid dis sudden attack, neva waste it, wi kiss each ada, kiss each ada lips, ‘uughhh.., oohh..’, dem was di only words Gita let out Suddenly she stan up. , inna 5 seconds har jeans did aan it gaan.

Wi did only wear underwear, look pan each other but it only last 6 seconds, him quickly pull mi underwear dung an tek dem off Gita smile an laugh likkle, mi nuh know if him did happy fi see mine or was. a laugh at mine? Mi neva waan lose, mi slowly pull har panties likkle by likkle, apparently Gita couldn’t wait so she pull har panties harself an throw dem behind har, before har panties did touch di floor har lips did already a crush mine, ‘ oohh..’, wi deh now completely naked. Gita staat kiss mi neck but it neva last long cause mi quickly turn roun. Now a did him turn fi lie dong pan him back pan di bed. A did a very beautiful view but dis time mi neva waan look fi long, mi did deh pan tap a him right away, mi did already grab both a him han dem an an. hold dem pan either side a him head. Mi kiss har neck, lips, neck again. ‘Hhmmhh.., uugghh.., shh’, a dat him seh Mi kisses dem did ‘bored’ pan him neck.

Mi staat fi go dung. Wen him si mi a move, him suddenly raise him chest. Mi no waste dis opportunity. Mi kiss har left breast right away, while mi right han did a stroke har right breast Dis time har left han did a hold mi head. ‘shh.., hh.., shh..’, him mout hiss like a snake. Im pull mi hair an mi head an direct mi head to im right breast. Wid t’.Den wid mi teet mi staat bite har nipples likkle, left-right, left-right always alternating an jus. Miinwail, wod kip aan a kom outa Gita mout, ‘Teruuss.., teruuss.., aad wan.., aahh.., bait Wan.., gghh.., shh’. Meanwhile mine did already tense. Mi head staat go dung again but suddenly him let out a likkle scream, ‘Wan.., Iwan.., uugghh.., now jus.., come in’iin.., don’t use yuh mout no more.., enter now… plizz…’. Mi push him right away. Now change positions, mi deh pan mi back an Gita deh pan top a mi. Him crotch did a look fi a position, even though mi did know fi sure weh him did a look fah was fi mi.

Wen di position did right, Gita push him hard. ‘uughhh..’, wail mi baal out likl, ‘aahh’. Mine did already beri inna him crotch. Gita continue fi move har hips up, dung, left an right, up an dung inna every direction she move. Har eyes dem close, har lips dem bitten as if she a hold back someting, di words dem often come outa har mout, ‘ oohh…, sshhtt… , uugghh.., sshhss.., sshhiitt.., aaacchh.., oouuhh..’, him breathing neva regular no more. Both han dem did a squeeze har own breast dem, har head often did a look up, ‘uughhh.., oohh.., sshhsstt’ Meanwhile, mi did only able fi squeeze di sheets dem pan mi left an right wid mi two han dem. Mi upper an lower teet dem did a press tugeda, no word neva come outa mi mout, only di sound a mi breathing coulda be heard. Dis time mi a di one weh tek ova him ‘power’ instead mi push him but instead him lay pan him stomach, a look pon him smooth white buttocks mi become even more eager fi put mine inna him. Mi lift har hips an Gita lift har body wid both han an foot. Now she did inna a position like she did bout fi crawl. Immediately, widout wait no longer, mi try fi put mi ‘sista’ inna har vaginal opening. ‘Mmaasuukkiinn.., ceeppeett..’, Gita beg mi bot bifuor shi kuda finish ar sentens, fi mi did go ina ar vagina. ‘oohh..’, di wod dem kom outa mi mout. Wid enthusiasm mi staat push forward, pulling, pushing, pulling continuously as mi move.

Him movements dem did a di opposite a mine, every time mi push forward him push him butt towards mi wid moans an groans fram him mout. ‘uugghh.., aahh.., Sshshhss.., oohh.., uugghh..’. Suddenly him shout, ‘Iwaann.., sshh.., oohh’, mi feel someting come out a him genital hole but, ‘oohh.., oohh.., aaacchh.., Gitt.., aakku..’. Mi also feel incomparable pleasure as fluid come out fram inside mi. ‘oohh.., uugghh’, a lot a mi fluid come out. ‘Keep going, Wan.., mek it all out..’, Gita ask.

Mi body did feel like it couldn’t stan no more. Mi immediately lay pan mi back pan di bed, while Gita immediately hug mi an put har head pan mi chest. ‘Gita love Iwan’, a dat all weh come outa him mout, den him eyes dem close as him continue fi hug mi.

Also read Hot Indonesian Stories: Mi experience a have sex wid mi sexy maid

Sex at di beginning a di introduction an ending wid fucking inna di apartment

Di fos plan was fi swim. At first wi kiss wid wi han dem tugeda, a move each ada inna a place weh did a arouse wi lust even more, den him staat trace mi crotch an a rub him han dem pan mi genitals, weh automatically cause an extraordinary feeling a pleasure. Him look fi mi clitoris an staat play wid it wid him thumb. Bikaaz mi did so horny, mi vaginal area did automatically get wetter an wetter an dat mek it easier fi him fi insert one a him finga dem inna mi female hole Yuh can imagine how good mi did feel at dat time. Meanwhile, mi neva miss out pan di action, wid mi han dem, mi also try fi massage, squeeze an rub him cock shaft weh did a get stiffer an stiffer, apparently him did really enjoy di game weh mi did a play.

Wi continue fi kiss while continuing fi touch an squeeze each other fi bout five minutes Den him tek mi an put mi dung pan di bed, widout wasting no time him immediately put him whole face pan mi crotch, weh did wet fi a long. time, him lick, suck an bit mi clitoris greedily. Meanwhile, him middle finger did insert an rub against mi genitals. Mi really did feel like mi did deh inna heaven a pleasure, inna jus a moment mi did have an orgasm an mi did a shake violently, Ooohh.. mi a come… an it did look like him did know, him neva even let go a him mout an even more aggressively stroke mi clitoris. Afta two orgasms him den stop lick mi an kneel near mi an bring him cock close to mi face, weh mi immediately put inna mi mout, mi greedily lick, suck an suck mi partner’s cock wid pleasure, Hhhmm.. Mi mout di tiny one did feel very full, considering seh mi partner genitals dem did quite big an long. Mi partner did really enjoy everyting mi did do to him, while him did a exclaim, Oh yess.. yess.. an until finally it did look like him couldn’t tek it no more, him coulda tek it no more. immediately pull out di shaft a him cock fram mi mout an immediately insert it inna di genital hole weh did already very wet.

At first him push slowly wile him did a enjoy di squeezing a mi genital hole an mi did a enjoy di size a di white penis weh did a go inna mi genital hole Di rhythm a him rocking did a get faster an mi did bout fi reach orgasm again, while him did like a. mountain weh did bout fi erupt, speeding up him swaying, back an forth, until finally him shout, Im coiing.. an mi feel him warm sperm a spray mi genital hole an di twitching a him cock shaft immediately mek mi reach an incredibly delicious. orgasm an scream hoarsely, Ooohh.. Mi coiing too. Mi genitals continue fi squeeze him penis until finally him fall limp pan di bed Wi den clean wi body dem inna di bathroom, put on swimsuits an go a di swimming pool, wi swim fi. a while an did have time fi relax pan di beach fi enjoy di sun weh did bout fi set, den wi go back to di room fi shower Afta wi did a show wi try fi rest pan di bed weh did deh deh, wid di intention fi rest. ton different wen him staat grope mi crotch again, a look fi mi mout fi crush it. Wi kiss did so hot, di two a dem did a collide. again, kissing each other’s lips an also touching an squeeze wi partner’s genitals. Wi both writhed full a pleasure.

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