Monday, February 24
Scéal Gnéas Bhanchéile Díomá

Scéal Gnéas Bhanchéile Díomá

Lig dom mé féin a thabhairt isteach, is é mo ainm Nandi, 26 bliain d'aois, táim ag obair in óstán trí réalta i gcathair "B". Cosúil le formhór na ndaoine, cuireann an obair leamh dúinn uaireanta, chun é seo a shárú tugaim cuairt ar an suíomh seo go minic, go dtí go mbíonn obsessed agam leis an scéal seo a scríobh. Tosaíonn an scéal seo le teacht abhaile go déanach san oíche le rúnaí ó chomhghleacaí ó oifig eile, Vivi an t-ainm atá uirthi, tá craiceann bán uirthi agus meánairde timpeall 165 cm uirthi. I ndáiríre, ní hé Vivi an cineál duine cairdiúil cé gur rúnaí í, b’fhéidir toisc go bhfuil a uncail sa phost sin. Ó sea, phós Vivi tuairim is bliain go leith ó shin freisin, agus bhuail mé lena fear céile arís agus arís eile. An mhaidin sin nuair a bhí sé in am dul isteach san oifig rith...
Scéal gnéis faoi paisean maighdean le tits jumbo

Scéal gnéis faoi paisean maighdean le tits jumbo

Scéal gnéis faoi paisean maighdean le tits jumbo. Tógáil meánach, meánmhéid, ní ard, ní gearr, ní gránna, ní fiú dathúil, bíonn claonadh ag craiceann donn a bheith dubh agus beagán olacha, mar gheall ar an ngairm mar tharraingeoir cart, tá posture comhlacht idéalach gan folláine, go intuigthe mar tharraingeoir cart. úsáideann níos mó matáin ná brains, ionas go mbeidh na matáin dúiseacht thaisme suas leo féin. Is iad uaireanta oibre Warto ná 3 pm go 12 pm ag freastal ar thrádálaithe margaidh a thugann marsantas nó ceannaitheoirí a thugann a gceannacháin abhaile. As na custaiméirí warto go leor, tá díoltóir glasraí agus spíosraí cistine darb ainm Narti atá an-ghar don Warto mar go dtarlaíonn bonn an chairt Warto a bheith os comhair an chuntar nó a bheith beacht, stalla trádála Mbok Narti. T...
Tama ma le afafine fai i le agasala o le fiafia o le tuinanau

Tama ma le afafine fai i le agasala o le fiafia o le tuinanau

O lenei tala e amata i le ulavale o lo’u tama fai ma lo’u faamavae. Sei ou faailoa atu a’u, o lo’u igoa o Vina, e 18 ou tausaga. O lea ua ou i ai i le aoga maualuga i le aai o Medan. I se tasi aso sa ou maua ai se aafiaga e mautinoa lava e fou mo se teine ​​ou te lapopoa. Oi ioe, o aʻu o se teine, o loʻu paʻu e foliga paʻepaʻe mama ma o le a le isi mea, e ufiufi i fulufulu lelei i loʻu tino atoa, e mautinoa lava e fiafia tele i ai tamaloloa. Fai mai a'u uo ou te aulelei, e te iloa. Ioe, sa fai lava si vevela o le tau i lenei aoauli, sa ta'i tasi ona ou aveese ofu na pipii i lo'u tino. Ou te ta’utino atu, e ui lava ina o’u talavou, ae e aulelei fo’i lo’u tino. A e va'ai atu i pi'opi'o o le tino, e mautinoa lava e vala'auina ai le apu a Atamu a so'o se tagata e titina. Faatasi ai ma le...
After Seeing Adult Photos in My Room, My Cousin’s Behavior Becomes Strange

After Seeing Adult Photos in My Room, My Cousin’s Behavior Becomes Strange

I had just finished taking an afternoon shower and started to open a book to read. But I saw someone entering the yard and I immediately opened the curtain to make it clearer who had entered the yard. I was surprised and happy, it turned out that the person who came was Rara, my cousin who was studying in Surabaya, in her first semester, she was around 19 years old. "Hi, you like to make surprises. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I said casually. "If you had told me first, what would you have prepared.." After making small talk, I offered to take a shower first so that her tiredness would disappear. After taking a shower, she tidied up her bag again. She glanced at the walls around my room, which were full of nude pictures. She smiled and commented. "What if there were ...
Fa’ata’ita’i Alofa: Na Fa’atau Atu e La’u Uo La’u Tino i Ana Uo

Fa’ata’ita’i Alofa: Na Fa’atau Atu e La’u Uo La’u Tino i Ana Uo

O aʻu o se fafine na pikiina e oʻu matua a o oʻu laʻitiiti ona o aʻu o le tama muamua. O le mea moni, o oʻu foliga e le matagofie, naʻo le toʻatele o tagata e manatu o loʻo i ai le toto Arapi i totonu ia te aʻu. E tusa ma le 155cm le maualuga, ma aua le fesili e uiga i laʻu BB, aua o le a ou ita. Ha ha ha.. Ua fai lo'u tino e ga'o ae e laiti susu. Hihihi... Ina ua uma le aoga maualuga, na ou matua ulavale lava. Seia oo ina leiloa lona taupou o lana uo teine. I se tasi aso, sa iai saʻu uō teine ​​e ese lana aʻoga. Ina ua ou sau i le fale mai le aoga, sa ia pikiina au, sa ia fai mai e fia faailoa atu au i ana uo. E leʻi umi, ae matou taunuu i se fale e fai si telē. O iina na iloa ai o loʻo i ai se tamaloa o loʻo faʻatali. Na faailoa atu aʻu e laʻu uō tama iā te ia. O lona igoa o Jarwo....
Bitter Redemption, My Virginity for My Father’s Debt

Bitter Redemption, My Virginity for My Father’s Debt

I was still in the third grade of junior high school. Since I was little, I was used to living a pleasant life. My every wish was fulfilled, as the youngest child, I was very spoiled with all the facilities. I had a personal driver who was ready to take me anywhere I wanted. My father gave me pocket money that I could buy anything I wanted. However, when the monetary crisis arrived, the disaster could not be denied by our family. We went bankrupt. Even then, we had outstanding tax debts. For a week, the taxman had raided our house and asked for all the files of my father's company. When I was called in, the taxman and my father were sitting in the office. The taxman was quite old. About the same age as my father, but his eyes stared blankly at my body which was quite large. He smiled...
The Story of the Employer and His Maid

The Story of the Employer and His Maid

This story began when I was transferred by a company to the Bogor area because my performance in my hometown was not good.. I was desperate and what was even sadder was that I had to separate from my beloved wife.. But because of my needs, I finally took the decision to transfer.. When I arrived in Bgr I got a house rental facility from the company, and I got it in the suburbs, it was quite good, type 36, there were 2 rooms plus furniture was already there.. After 1 month passed I was overwhelmed taking care of the house, you know I left in the morning, came home at night, on Sundays I went back to Bandung to meet the maid, so the house was messy and really dirty.. I felt uncomfortable, and I decided to find someone to take care of the house. I took the time to visit one of the distribu...
Scéalta Gnéas Dhaoine Fásta is déanaí Ag Taitneamh as Super Hot Tuhuh

Scéalta Gnéas Dhaoine Fásta is déanaí Ag Taitneamh as Super Hot Tuhuh

Supermaket Gnéas do Dhaoine Fásta is déanaí Narratives Gnéas te, scéalta do dhaoine fásta, scéalta gnéis, scéalta do dhéagóirí. Oibrím mar chúntóir díolacháin ag ollmhargadh Y i Bandung. Ag mo láthair oibre tá cailín darb ainm Ita. Is í Ita an cailín atá mo chara is fearr. Inseoidh sé a chuid fadhbanna go léir dom. Is féidir Ita a chruthú a bheith álainn, tá a craiceann bán, tá a súile cruinn, tá a breasts cruinn freisin, nach bhfuil mór ach láidir go leor chun go mbeadh gach fear atá gar di ag iarraidh teagmháil a dhéanamh léi go rialta. Is cinnte go mbraitheann duine ar bith a fheiceann comhlacht Ita paiseanta faoi. Tá masa Ita tempting. Tá fad ghualainn ar a chuid gruaige. Grúpa Léitheoireachta Gnéas do Dhaoine Fásta is déanaí Supermaket Hot Supermaket Léitheoireachta Gnéas do Dha...
Vastik lugu neiu ihast

Vastik lugu neiu ihast

Seksilugu teenija ihast: teenija kuradi ajamine juhtus siis, kui mu abikaasa ja mina kolisime Lõuna-Sumatra piirkonda. Eduka ärimehena avas mu abikaasa selles piirkonnas istanduse. Vahepeal jätsin meie kaks last nende vanaema juurde Padangi. Selles linnas ma elan ja olen oma mehega meelega kaasas. Ärimehena tahtis ta, et ma temaga kaasa läheksin, et tal ei oleks tülikas käia edasi-tagasi Padangis minuga kohtumas. Minu esimene laps on 6-aastane ja teine ​​5-aastane. Kord kuus käin kodus oma kahte last vaatamas. Praegu elan oma majas kahe teenijaga. Üks on naine, teine ​​aga mees, kelle ülesandeks on maja eest hoolitseda ning minu majas autot ja aeda koristada. Mehe nimi on Oding. Ta palkas mu abikaasa, sest minu piirkonnas on väga sagedased röövimised. Ühiskond on endiselt mahajäänud....
Viimased seksilood Anji keeldub, kuid tahab

Viimased seksilood Anji keeldub, kuid tahab

Seks, täiskasvanutele mõeldud lugemine, kuum lugemine, seksilugemine, viimane tõeline seksilugemine 2024, õetütre seksilugu, seksilugu vennapojaga. Minu nimi on Vasha, ma olen praegu 31-aastane. Mul on kaks last, minu igapäevaelu on tihe nende eest hoolitsemisega, alustades ärkamisest, igal hommikul kooliks valmistumisest. Ja mu mees töötab tehases töölisena. Praegu on meie majandusõnn sageli kuiv, kuigi on sugulasi, kes aitavad. Üks mu vendadest aitab mind regulaarselt, kui mul on raskusi. Kuid ühe nõudega pean olema hea naine ja mitte hüljata oma kohustusi koduperenaisena. Võib-olla sellepärast, et teda peetakse veel nooreks, pöörab mu vend regulaarselt minu ja mu pere saatusele tähelepanu. Viimane tõelise seksi lugemisgrupi 2024 vahekord vennatütrega Tõeline uskumatu seksilugem...